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More than 3 200 children enrolled during pregnancy in Soweto-Johannesburg in 1990 have been followed up for 30 years. At the start, the study was called Birth to Ten (Bt10), but changed to Birth to Twenty (Bt20) in 2000 when we reached the 10-year follow-up goal and resolved to continue the study to age 20. Since then, the study has surpassed 30 years and is now known as Birth to Thirty (Bt30).

New Birth to Thirty Publication
Birth to Thirty: The Stories, Science and People
Prof. Linda Richter
A book that anchors stories in science through an illustrative account of the Birth to Thirty cohort study.
From their births in early 1990 through three subsequent decades of their lives, the study’s 3,273 participants – affectionately tagged Mandela’s Children – were followed in Africa’s largest and longest running birth cohort, located in dynamic Soweto-Johannesburg.
“It was always more than a study…this book is for the participants of Birth to Thirty – the cohort, Mandela’s Children, those that gave so much of their lives to make Africa’s largest and longest running birth cohort the success it is.” – Prof. Linda Richter